Finally, a live course to help providers who are CRAVING confidence around body image work, so YOU can help them make peace with their current body
Introducing Body Image Bootcamp: Beyond the Basics with Bri
A live course designed to help you develop the confidence and skills you need to be a more caring, proficient provider.
I know you’re ready to create an environment of healing and acceptance with your clients. Isn’t it time you get unstuck around body image so you can give the most clear, concise care possible?
I’ve been there before.
Sitting with a client and freezing because I didn’t know how to address their body image objection.
Feeling that sense of dread course through my body when the realization struck me that I might not be able to help them.
Instead, imagine meeting with your clients feeling confident because you know how to handle these situations. Imagine knowing exactly which questions to ask, what to say and when to refer out for situations that are beyond your scope.
When I first stepped into the Body Image space, I was struck by the lack of continuing education opportunities that were available. I knew I needed to learn more, but there was nowhere to go. So I began to pave my own way and do my own research that I could take with me into my work as a mental health clinician.
Before long, I realized that other providers were in the same exact situation as me. They wanted to learn more, but didn’t know where to go. The more I spoke to other providers, the more I knew that as an industry it was time to step away from an outcome-driven process with our clients, but nobody had the tools to learn how to do that.
That’s where the idea for Body Image Bootcamp was born. I knew that providers needed a step between formal education and continuing education when a formal classroom wasn’t accessible. I also know that many providers are just like me and thrive in a live setting where they can bounce ideas off of each other and get support from like-minded individuals.
Now, there’s a process-based, heart-centered approach which allows our clients to be a part of the healing process without having expectations of their progress. Providers can detach from the results and relearn their own unique beliefs system around what body image success looks like.
Providers deserve to have a tangible language they can use around body image so they can feel self assured in their ability to help their clients facing body image hurdles. You don’t have to shy away from the tough conversations around body image anymore. Together, we’ll build up your confidence so you know what to say, when to refer out and how to capitalize on your unique strengths as a provider.
Let’s make space for the discomfort instead of bypassing it. We’re in this together.
If you’re to shift your paradigm as a provider and step into a season where you approach each client session with confidence, knowing exactly what to say and when to say it -- you belong in this course. Join us as we add to your provider toolbox and step into a new age of body image care.
We’ve all been there before.
That one client that you can’t get off your mind because you know in your heart, that you could’ve done better. The thoughts swirl in your brain as you replay the scenario over and over again, wishing for a different outcome. You wish you could have done better.
But you didn’t have the right tools.
I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t been there myself. Holding space for clients that need body image support is H-A-R-D. But the fact that you’re here tells me that you’re up for the challenge and you’re ready to challenge your beliefs around body image.
Imagine a world where you’re feeling confident before every single client session because you know that you have the right skills to handle any challenges that may arise. You’re a pro at holding space for your clients and you KNOW you can help them to overcome their challenges.
Your time is now. Let’s do it together.
Inside Body Image Bootcamp you’ll have access to:
- Body Image 101: An Intro to Body Image Beyond the Basics
- 5 Live Sessions with Bri With Replays Included
- Q+A Included For Any Questions That Arise While Learning
What my clients have to say...
"Bri's course [has] helped give me more language, depth and understanding of body image. I felt fairly confident with my body image skills prior to starting with Bri and this course has given me so many more tools for working with clients, avenues to discuss related to body image with clients and as an added bonus, more clarity around my scope of practice with body image (as a RDN). I highly recommend this course for all professionals working with clients and body image."
-Erica Mouch, RDN
"Bri’s Course has been an incredible resource for me on my journey to becoming a confident provider. As a dietitian, I have had limited training on how to help clients rewire their thoughts around body image. Bri’s course [has] helped me understand the roots of body shaming, how to improve my confidence around providing body image coaching & methods to help shift my clients’ thoughts around their body. Bri makes complicated topics feel manageable and her casual, light hearted teaching style makes learning fun. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to help their clients improve their relationship with their body image."
-Serena Marie, RD
Module 1: Beyond the Basics of Body Image 101
➡ This pre-recorded module will be your pre-requisite for completing the rest of Body Image Bootcamp. You’ll learn all the basics that I wish were available to me when I first started coaching in this capacity so you can be a more well-informed and equipped provider.
Module 2: Body Dissatisfaction + Body Grief
➡ Understanding that it’s okay for a client to not be okay with their body will help you to navigate them through the stages of grief. After this module, feel self assured in knowing what to expect from your clients at different stages of their healing process.
Module 3: Unpacking The Gremlins
➡ It’s normal to have challenging emotions activated while talking with your clients about their own body image challenges. That’s why we take the time to unpack YOUR gremlins - building awareness around yourself will help you to be a better provider by guiding your clients to build awareness around their own gremlins.
Module 4: Building Confidence & Body Trust
➡ Now that you’ve got the basics, it’s time to own it. In this module, you’ll learn how to build confidence in your own practice as a provider while helping your clients build their own body trust. Say goodbye to second-guessing your every move because you’ll know that you’ve got this in the bag.
Module 5: Terms and Techniques
➡ Remember your first day of anything? It’s overwhelming, daunting and downright scary to be new at anything. Now throw your livelihood into the mix and it’s a mass of anxiety waiting to happen. In this module, you’ll learn my very method of working with clients on body image as well as major techniques that you need to have tangible language around body image.
Module 6: Tying It All Together
➡ Now that we have all of the pieces of the puzzle, it’s time to put everything together and package it up with a beautiful tie-dye bow. This will be your opportunity to ask questions, get clarification and make sure that you know how to implement everything we’ve discussed. We will also have a lucky guest come in for some hot seat coaching!
It’s time to step into your power as a provider that’s able to navigate the challenges of tough conversations around body image. I know you can do it. Let’s do it together.
Welcome to my cozy little corner of the Internet! My name’s Bri Campos, LPC and I’ll be your Body Image Expert on this journey to understanding, analyzing and helping your unique clients.
When I started learning about body image… I quickly realized that there was a lack of information. I couldn’t find what I needed to help myself heal… let alone take on that task with my clients.
Then, when I started to find the information I needed, I realized none of it was formatted for me. I realized that I wasn’t a self-study learner… and that the majority of my clients probably weren’t either. I needed a live connection so I could ask questions and get live feedback from a mentor.
So I started creating what I wish I had available when I started this journey.
Let’s face it - it’s easier to shy away from body image objections as a provider. It’s even easier when the resources you need feel out of reach.
But you’re here because you’re ready to do the hard things. You’re ready to take on the challenges that you know you can uniquely solve.
We’re in this together to make space for the discomfort instead of trying to bypass it. We’ll work together to shift from an outcome-driven coaching framework to a process-based, heart-centered approach which allows our clients to be autonomous and invites them into the process without having expectations of progress needs.
I can’t wait to do this together.
Can you imagine yourself knowing exactly what to say, when to say it and how to deliver it to your clients without a second of hesitation? Together, we’ll work towards understanding what activates you, what lights you up and what makes you feel truly EXCITED about doing this work with your clients. It’s time to take the leap.
Won’t you join me?